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Self-conscientiotherapy: indications and benefits

What are the indications for self-conscientiotherapy?


The practice of self-conscientiotherapy aims to help the consciousness to assume an active role in one’s own health and evolution, by prioritizing self-research and undertaking efforts to continuously improve themself. Below is a list of seven demands that may be addressed by self-conscientiotherapy:


  1. Reduction of self-discernment. Conscientiotherapy has various techniques to support the consciousness in overcoming factors that reduce self-discernment such as self-disorganisation, acedia, bad habits and addictions 1.

  2. Existential crisis. Events which create tension or intimate conflict are inherent to human life, for example, situations of illness, the beginning or end of an affective-sexual relationship, the desoma of a close person, pregnancy, a child leaving home, retirement. The intermissivist may also feel in crisis, in a situation of proéxis deviation or lack of theorice. The conscin, practitioner of self-conscientiotherapy, see existential crisis as evolutionary opportunities, favourable to existential recycling 2,3.

  3. Energosomatic problems. Through bioenergetic self-conscientiotherapic techniques, the consciousness can obtain personal remission of parapathologies such as energetic blockages and imbalances, deficit of consciential hygiene and energetic deassimilations.

  4. Psychosomatic problems. Self-conscientiotherapy applied to emotional wounds or psychosoma traumas and affective immaturities helps to overcome grief, resentments, pathological attachments, fears, anxiety, irritability, affective neediness, and parapsychic lability 4.

  5. Mentalsomatic problems. Paratherapeutic approach to pathological apriorisms and cognitive distortions, through the application of techniques to recycle the pathologies of the consciousness as acriticism, apriorismosis, neophobia and consciential dispersion 1.

  6. Intraconsciential conflicts. The overcoming self-intrusion, self-corruption, seated-on-the-fence, pusillanimity, and insecurity. The development of consciential immunity and qualification of self-value  1.

  7. Interconsciential conflicts. The identification and undertaking of actions for dissolution of interconsciential intrusions and groupkarmic interprisons to increase consciential freedom and cosmoethical interassistance.



What benefits can self-conscientiotherapy bring to the evolutient?


Listed following are ten benefits that can be obtained by the will and action of the evolutient in its self-conscientiotherapeutic process 5:


  1. Holosomatic self-cognition. Self-knowledge and lucid perception of the consciential vehicles of manifestation (soma, energosoma, psychosoma and mentalsoma), taking into consideration the multi-existentiality and multidimensionality 6.

  2. Evolutionary values. Identification of personal existential values and realignment towards evolutionary values.

  3. Existential recycling (recexis). Renewal of aspects of one's current existence to leave the existential stagnation and to catalyse the proexological self-performance for complexis 7.

  4. Intraconsciential recycling (recins). Renewal of immature traits of intraconscientiality, reducers of self-discernment, through the creation of neosynapses, acquisition of neoideas, neothosenes, on the path towards Holomaturology 8.

  5. Development of cosmoethical interassistantiality. A gradual process of the lucid consciousness, through their will, to identify, treat and overcome pathologies and parapathologies related to the ego, reeducating themself and generating self-recins capable of potentializing their own interassistancial availability 9.

  6. Parapsychism development. Unblocking of the chakras, expansion of paraperceptions and interdimensional communication, development of personal parapsychic signals.

  7. Self-deintrusion. Thosenic reeducation, increase of cosmoethical self-criticism and orthothosenity to reach desperticity.

  8. Presential strength, authenticity and consciential self-confidence.  Authentic, holosomatic manifestation of the consciousness, revealing their consciential reality to others and for themself, with emotional, intellectual, cosmoethical, parapsychic and evolutionary self-security.

  9. Holosomatic health. Balance and coherence among the consciential vehicles of manifestation 5 and harmonic relation with the holothosenes, constituting a resource for self-evolution 10.

  10. Gratitude. A feeling of gratitude and recognition towards benefactors, indispensable for the development of self-parapsychism and the theorice interassistantiality of the lucid consciousness 11.



Self-conscientiotherapy: evolutionary tool


Through the increase of self-cognition, consciousness improves the capacity for self-investigation and self-diagnosis and restarts new cycles of self-conscientiotherapy, undertaking new self- confrontations and self-overcoming. The self-conscientiotherapy becomes an evolutionary routine 12.

Self-conscientiotherapy does not exclude moments in which the evolutient needs heteroconscientiotherapy, that is, the evolutient continues doing self-conscientiotherapy plus hetero-help from trained conscientiotherapists 5.

The maintenance of the conquests shows itself necessary in the form of a continuous act, with constant self-monitoring and employment of specialized techniques to avoid relapses and to acquire sustainability in the new self-manifestation 13. Self-monitoring does not mean anxiety or excessive preoccupation, but the creation of good habits within the useful routines of daily life, prioritizing evolution  14.


The conscious and lucid evolutient of its evolutionary possibilities, connected to the helpers, to the extraphysical origin and to the evolutiologist, through continuous self-conscientiotherapeutic movements, walks towards relative self-cure  13.


Have you, reader, ever experienced self-conscientiotherapy? What is the demand treated and what results have been identified?

Authoress: Tatiana Consciência, volunteer at the International Organization of Conscientiotherapy (OIC).

Know more about this subject:

Conscientiotherapeutic Pharmacopeia:       Self-conscientiotherapy [in Portuguese]

Bibliographic References:

1 Vieira, Waldo; Homo sapiens pacificus; revisores Equipe de Revisores do Holociclo; 1.584 p.; 24 seções; 413 caps.; 403 abrevs.; 38 E-mails; 434 enus.; 484 estrangeirismos; 1 foto; 37 ilus.; 168 megapensenes trivocabulares; 1 microbiografia; 36 tabs.; 15 websites; glos. 241 termos; 25 pinacografias; 103 musicografias; 24 discografias; 20 cenografias; 240 filmes; 9.625 refs.; alf.; geo.; ono.; 29 x 21,5 x 7 cm; enc.; 3ª Ed. Gratuita; Associação Internacional do Centro de Altos Estudos da Conscienciologia (CEAEC); & Associação Internacional Editares; Foz do Iguaçu, PR; 2007; páginas 35 a 120; 571 a 676.

2 Vieira, Waldo; Crise Pessoal; verbete; In: Vieira, Waldo; Org.; Enciclopédia da Cons­cien­ciologia; apres. Coordenação da ENCYCLOSSAPIENS; revisores Equipe de Revisores da EN­CY­CLOS­SA­PI­ENS; 27 Vols.; 23.178 p.; Vol. 10; 1.112 citações; 11 cronologias; 33 E-mails; 206.055 enus.; 602 es­pe­ci­alidades; 1 foto; glos. 4.580 termos (verbetes); 701 microbiografias; 270 tabs.; 702 verbetógrafos; 28 web­sites; 670 filmes; 54 videografias; 1.087 webgrafias; 13.896 refs.; 9ª Ed. rev. e aum.; Associação Inter­nacional de Enciclopediologia Conscienciológica (ENCY­CLOS­SA­PI­ENS); & Associação Inter­na­cio­nal Editares; Foz do Iguaçu, PR; 2018; ISBN 978-5-8477-118-9; páginas 7.804 a 7.806.

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9 Zanardini, Marco; Crescendo Egocentrismo-Interassistencialidade; verbete; In: Vieira, Waldo; Org.; Enciclopédia da Cons­cien­ciologia; apres. Coordenação da ENCYCLOSSAPIENS; revisores Equipe de Revisores da EN­CY­CLOS­SA­PI­ENS; 27 Vols.; 23.178 p.; Vol. 10; 1.112 citações; 11 cronologias; 33 E-mails; 206.055 enus.; 602 es­pe­ci­alidades; 1 foto; glos. 4.580 termos (verbetes); 701 microbiografias; 270 tabs.; 702 verbetógrafos; 28 web­sites; 670 filmes; 54 videografias; 1.087 webgrafias; 13.896 refs.; 9ª Ed. rev. e aum.; Associação Inter­nacional de Enciclopediologia Conscienciológica (ENCY­CLOS­SA­PI­ENS); & Associação Inter­na­cio­nal Editares; Foz do Iguaçu, PR; 2018; ISBN 978-5-8477-118-9; páginas 7.610 a 7.615.

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