Journal Conscientiotherapia
The Conscientiotherapia is the scientific journal published by the OIC and aims to disseminate research and leading edge relative truths (verpons) in Conscientiotherapeuticology.
In the editions, you will find the results of Conscientiotherapy researches, proposals for paratechnologies applied to Conscientiotherapy, and self-conscienthiotherapy experiences of conscientiotherapists and evolutients.
The articles are in Portuguese. It has the abstract in English.
Last Editions
The acquisition of Conscientiotherapia Journal N. 12 can be done through the Amazon website, at this link.
The Conscientiotherapia Journal N. 13 can be purchased at OIC.

Call for Papers - XV Conscientiotherapy Journey
The International Organization of Conscientiotherapy invites conscientiotherapists, evolutients, and self-conscientiotherapists
to send their respective research or PROJECIOTHERAPIC experiences for consideration, evaluation, and publication in the Conscientiotherapia Journal and presentation at the XV Journey of Conscientiotherapy, which will take place in the first week of September 2023.
Access the link for more information.
Call for Papers is in Portuguese.
You can also send us an email for more information.