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Do you identify apriorisms in personal manifestation?

Apriorism in itself is a neutral condition. It means establishing judgements from previous elements, a priori. It can occur in a homeostatic way in daily life, when, for instance, one makes anticipated use of self-discernment (healthy apriorism), or pathologically, as reflected in the rigidity when dealing with new facts and inevitable changes of life, and so keeping the conscience fixed in the condition of evolutionary stagnation (apriorismosis).


It is important to differentiate, on the basis of self-research, lucid self-convictions, as a result of re-evaluations and readjustments from personal experiences, from irrational beliefs, resulting from pathological apriorism. These ones mutilate the act of thinking, to the extent that the expression of consciousness remains conditioned by this reducer of self-discernment.


Vieira 2 defines apriorismosis as "the quality, condition or chronicled state of the apriorist, only capable of reasoning a priori, from fixed previous elements, without examination, analysis or verification, regardless of facticity or parafacticity".


Some examples of apriorismosis are pre-judgments, prejudices, superstitions, monoideisms, fixed ideas, personal dogmas, repressions, self-convictions, cognitive inflexibility, blockage of creativity, absence of self-criticism, guesstimates.



Deconstructing parapathological apriorisms


1. Self-investigation. The first step towards self-cure of aprioristic consciousness is to admit this condition and assume the role of theirself investigator, through the facts and parafacts, listing the aprioristic thosenes and manifestations in everyday life.


2. Self-diagnosis. Next, it is recommended to identify the rigid, limiting thosenic patterns, verifying the circumstances in which they manifest, to reach the self-diagnosis.


3. Self-confrontation. From lucid self-criticism, the person determined to improve itself begins to deconstruct the parapathological apriorisms, as it starts verifying the justifications which generate these pathothosenes. This stage of self-confrontation requires a permanent self-investigative posture. There are useful self-conscientiotherapeutic techniques for the identification and confrontation of this manifestation. Two of them are listed below:


a. Perception of self-justifications technique. This consists of a list of pseudo-justifications observed during daily interlocutions or thosenations, related to anti-evolutionary actions or behaviours, used as a defence mechanism, escape or avoidance of self-conflict, mitigation of self-incoherences and covering up errors, logical fallacies or negative intentions. In the application of the technique, it is suggested to identify words or expressions generally used in the justifications, such as: but, nevertheless, however, although, would be, would have.


b. Thematic study technique. Allows the amplification of self-cognition concerning aprioristic functioning mechanisms, as well as their deconstruction, aiming to seek, with openness, for new manners of analysis of the facts and ways of acting, based on the construction of neosynapses.


4. Self-overcoming. The maintenance of self- confrontations and the monitoring of defined indicators of self-overcoming, such as, for example, being opened to the analysis of new ideas, changing opinions in a sustained manner, among others, contribute to the self-overcoming of the thosenic manifestation of rigid and monodimensional self-convictions by new forms of cosmoethical conduct, sustained in evolutionary values.


The apriorismosis may be at the base of the existential inadaptation of the intermissivist, when it overlaps anti-evolutionary past ways of thinking in front of the recent learnings of the Intermissive Course, avoiding facing the necessary personal renovations. When the person does not open up to new points of view, it remains fixed on the superficial self-diagnoses made by itself.


On the other hand, the genuine interest of the consciousness in understanding and discovering themself leads it to new ways of analysing facts and parafacts, without passively accommodation to the convictions of others about themself or previously constructed self-convictions, maintaining critical evolutionary curiosity.

Authoress: Luísa Consciência, conscientiotherapist and volunteer at the International Organization of Conscientiotherapy (OIC).

Know more about this subject:

Tertúlia Conscienciológica: Apriorismose [in Portuguese]

Bibliographic References:

1. Almeida, Marco A.; Menezes, Gláucia; & Takimoto, Marília; Apriorismose; Artigo; Proceedings of the 4th Consciential Health Meeting (Anais da IV Jornada de Saúde da Consciência); Foz do Iguaçu, PR; 07-10.09.06; Journal of Conscientiology; Revista; Trimestral; Vol. 9; N. 33-S; 1 microbiografias; 3 tabs.; 29 refs.; International Academy of Consciousness (IAC); Londres, Inglaterra; Setembro, 2006; páginas 203 a 212.

2. Vieira, Waldo; Apriorismose; verbete; In: Vieira, Waldo; Org.; Enciclopédia da Cons­cien­ciologia; apres. Coordenação da ENCYCLOSSAPIENS; revisores Equipe de Revisores da EN­CY­CLOS­SA­PI­ENS; 27 Vols.; 23.178 p.; Vol. 3; 1.112 citações; 11 cronologias; 33 E-mails; 206.055 enus.; 602 es­pe­ci­alidades; 1 foto; glos. 4.580 termos (verbetes); 701 microbiografias; 270 tabs.; 702 verbetógrafos; 28 web­sites; 670 filmes; 54 videografias; 1.087 webgrafias; 13.896 refs.; 9ª Ed. rev. e aum.; Associação Inter­nacional de Enciclopediologia Conscienciológica (ENCY­CLOS­SA­PI­ENS); & Associação Inter­na­cio­nal Editares; Foz do Iguaçu, PR; 2018; ISBN 978-5-8477-118-9; páginas 1.559 a 1.561.

3. Idem; Dicionário de Argumentos da Conscienciologia; revisores Equipe de Revisores do Holociclo; 1.572 p.; 1 blog; 21 E-mails; 551 enus.; 1 esquema da evolução consciencial; 18 fotos; glos. 650 termos; 19 websites; alf.; 28,5 x 21,5 x 7 cm; enc.; Associação Internacional Editares; Foz do Iguaçu, PR; 2014; página 81.

4. Idem; Homo sapiens pacificus; revisores Equipe de Revisores do Holociclo; 1.584 p.; 24 seções; 413 caps.; 402 abrevs.; 38 E-mails; 434 enus; 484 estrangeirismos; 1 foto; 37 ilus.; 168 megapensenes trivocabulares; 1 mi­crobiografia; 36 tabs.; 15 websites; glos. 241 termos; 25 pinacografias; 103 musicografias; 24 discografias; 20 ceno­gra­fias; 240 filmes; 9.625 refs.; alf.; geo.; ono.; 29 x 21,5 x 7,5 cm; enc.; 3ª Ed. Gratuita; Associação Internacional do Cen­tro de Altos Estudos da Conscienciologia (CEAEC); & Associação Internacional Editares; Foz do Iguaçu, PR; 2007; pá­ginas 586 e 587.




Dicionário Terminológico Multilíngue de Consciencioterapia (DTMC) online; Organização Internacional  de  Consciencioterapia  (OIC); “Apriorismose”; “Técnica da percepção das autojustificativas”; “Técnica do estudo”. Acesso em:

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