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Volitioline - the fuel of will

What characterizes the most developed will?


The most developed will is the capacity to do what one’s wants, and to act according to the self-conscious personal decision.

This concept includes self-control over the various motivations contrary to the intended objective. For example, by writing an hour of the self-proposed conscientiological article, the person inhibited the misplaced impulse to stay on their mobile phone while watching social media or the tendency to procrastinate.

On the other hand, when the consciousness allows themself to be carried away by motives that are out of sync with the planned purposes, it does not experience the most advanced volition.

Also, it is worth mentioning that the most qualified volitional act, according to the consciential paradigm, is the one aligned with cosmoethics, that is, the will and the doing that are consonant with evolution and the best for all involved.


What directs the will?


Every action undertaken by the will is motivated, it has energy driving it.

Volitioline is the consciential energy used by the consciousness, through the attribute of the will, to undertake personal, intra and extra-consciential actions.

An analogy to help understand this process is to compare the will to a car engine and volitioline to fuel. It is necessary to fill the fuel tank of the will with consciential energy (volitioline) for the car to move.

In this sense, the more the volition is energized, the more the conscin is motivated to initiate and sustain the chosen activity.

In the case of article writing, as more reasons there are to write, the easier the task becomes to accomplish, and the less likely it is to deviate into other unwanted actions.

How can the will be charged with volitioline?

Often there is little motivation for what one’s wants to do at the moment, and on the other hand, there is a strong direction towards different activities. For example, at the time planned for physical exercise, the person becomes lazy and tends to watch television series.

Paradoxically, the will, even when not very energized, is the key for the energetic self-charging. The action is the "dynamo" of the will and as the desired task begins, focusing on organisation, accomplishment, and results, the volitioline tank is gradually filled with motivations aligned to the activity, at the same time as the displaced impulses cool down.

Continued exercise activities help to maintain the rhythm and to sustain energy levels. It is easier to start gymnastics when the practice is daily than to start it after months of standing still.



The value of self-discernment


It is important to realize that when triggering self-motivation to start an unmotivated action, in fact, the driver of the will was the discernment about what was the best thing to do at that moment.

When one does not know the best thing to do, it becomes very difficult to counteract the inappropriate, even knowing it is harmful.

In this context, all the research and self-reflection about the best evolutionary path to follow helps to qualify the volitional direction.

On the other hand, subcerebral tendencies must be treated with discernment. Taming the internal "bug" is not merely repressing instinct, but using it functionally, in favour of oneself. Eating is a physiological instinctual action and maintains the soma. When adequate, hunger homeostatically directs the will. When dysfunctional, for example in the desire to overeat, the impulse must be inhibited.

In summary, the volition that directs the will must be qualified, at all times, by evolutionary self-discernment.

Author: Christovão Peres, conscientiotherapist and volunteer at International Organization of Conscientiotherapy (OIC).

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Bibliographic References:

Peres, Christovão; Volicioterapia: Vontade aplicada à Autoconsciencioterapia; pref. Maximiliano Haymann; revisores Eliana Manfroi; et al.; 334 p.; 4 seções; 17 caps.; 157 enus.; 1 foto; 1 microbiografia; 1 pontoação; 5 tabs.; 72 técnicas; 5 apênds.; 89 refs.; 23 webgrafias; alf.; 23 x 16 cm; br.; Associação Internacional Editares; Foz do Iguaçu, PR; 2021; ISBN 978-85-86544-22-0; páginas 1 a 334.

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